Friday, July 17, 2009


Sunday, July 12, 2009


What choice to make "TO LOVE or TO HATE"

You can either fall in love or fall in hate. The choice is yours, but you’ll look a lot better with love on your psyche than hate.

As I started thinking about the haters of the world, a few days ago, I felt straight up anger for anyone who would show such hatred toward another person. The thought of one person treating another with so much hatred that it interfered with their life makes me see red.

Then I stepped back for a minute (out of the red) and realized that anger isn’t the appropriate response. Pity is.

Some few years back, my little dog, Escort was poisoned by an unknown person. The next morning when I saw him sick and take him to the Vat. clinic, my fears was confirmed when the doctor said that he was injected with a special kind of poison and they could not help it. My little Escort died some few hours later. I was furious and would have committed murder if I had find out who did it. I keep on wondering why in the whole wide world would anyone harm my little dog. The thought of anyone treating him with hatred or intolerance seems unthinkable to me. After all, he lived his own life and wouldn’t do anyone any harm. It took some month for me to heal that hurt.

I just don’t get why people have to involve themselves in what other people do or don’t do. Come on. If I can be blunt for a minute: If you aren’t invited into the party, what does it matter to you what goes on there?! You can agree or you can disagree with other people’s lifestyles, choices, habits, loves, hates, and so on. You’ve got that right – just as they can agree or disagree with yours.

You can like or dislike the way a person looks, dresses, or drinks their tea – just as they can have qualms with your style or looks.

We’re all different, after all, and we all have our way of doing things. What’s perfectly beautiful to one person may be a hot mess to another. Look at the different cultures around the world! People who expect everyone else to look just like them bore me to tears. I’m much more drawn to people who don’t just expect diversity in the world, they insist upon it.

If you experience hatred from others, for whatever reasons, realize that you have two choices:

1. You can be drug down to the hater’s level. If you aren’t careful, hatred can rub off on you and. Then, before you even realize what’s happening, you’ll be just as angry. You’ll become just as intolerant. And you’ll be filled with just as much hatred as they are. Believe me, it won’t look any better on you than it does on them. No one ever wears hatred well.
2. You can rise to a level the hater’s will never know. If you recognize their hatred for what it is (a crippling weakness), and find it within yourself to feel pity for them, you will have experienced the kind of growth that a hater will never know. Don’t return their scowls with scowls of your own – smile! Come on, give them the brightest, sweetest smile you have in your arsenal.

As for haters, there’s hope for them too. If you have any hate at all residing in your heart, recognize it for what it is: POISON. It’s a poison that will cripple you if you don’t find a way to get rid of it. Set the hatred across from you at your kitchen table and grill it. What has it ever done for you? Where has it gotten you? What friends has it won you?

What has it cost you? Has it ruined your reputation? Would people think of you as a hateful person?

Once you recognize the hatred in your heart, you’ll be well on your way to dealing with it.

I had always think about the importance of positive thoughts – whether I am at home, at work, chores, or where ever. Positive thoughts bring about positive actions and positive words. The same is true of negative thoughts. So, take the great advice of the second choice above, and keep a close eye on your thoughts.

You’ll have far less apologies to make and far less life's regret if you do.